Serial and parallel spin circuits at the molecular scale with two atomic-vacancies in graphene: Amplification of spin-filtering effect


Our previous work demonstrated that graphene devices with monovacancy defects possess spin filtering effect which offers potential applications in spintronics. Here, using first-principles calculations, we further study the spin-dependent electron transport properties and spin filtering efficiency of graphene devices with double vacancies that are arrayed in parallel and serial connections. It is found that devices with vacancies in parallel connection follow classical Kirchhoff circuit law. Both spin-up and spin-down currents are amplified while spin filtering efficiency remains the same as compared to the monovacancy devices. In contrast, amplification of spin filtering efficiency is realized in devices with serially connected double vacancies. In addition, it is shown that the spin current can be flipped reversibly by nanomechanical deformation as we observed in devices with monovacancy. Our findings demonstrate the possibility to engineer the spin filtering effect for vacancy based spintronic devices.

Chi-Yung YAM
Chi-Yung YAM
Associate Professor
