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2011 International Workshop on Numerical Methods and Modelling for Compressible Multimaterial Flows and Mixing
 Organized by
Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM)
Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)
Key Laboratory of Computational Physics (LCP)
 Supported by
Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
2011. 9. 12 -15
Each oversea invited talk has five to ten minutes for questions, and each domestic talk has five minutes for questions. Chairman: Shuanghu Wang(王双虎) Contacts: Baolin Tian(田保林 ) 13120433930, Guoxi Ni(倪国喜) , Shanshan Zhu(朱珊珊), Junxia Wei(魏军侠 )13691271672
· 会议日程表-final1(1).pdf

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