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Quantum Information Transmit with one dimension channel
Beijing Computational Science Research Center
Abstract: The last work, we present a scheme of quantum information teleportation, which teleports the quantum information contained in a single qubit via quantum correlation shared by two parties (a two-qubit channel), whose quantum discord is nonzero. We demonstrate that the quantum correlation, which can be of no entanglement, is sufficient to teleport the information of a quantum state. When the correlation matrix of the two-qubit channel is of full rank (or rank three), the information of the qubit in mixed state (or pure state) can be teleported. The quantum discord of a channel with rank larger or equal to three is always no zero. In this report we will continue the work, and demonstrate that when three one dimension channels are used, the quantum information also can be transmitted. In this scheme, the quantum correlation could be zero.
Location: 606 Conference Room
Date and time: Nov 25, 2011   14:30

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