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Numerical Study of Dynamic Hubbard Model
Guang-Kun LIU
Department of Physics
Hubei University
Abstract: Dynamic Hubbard model is introduced as a new type of model to describe the electrons in correlated systems in 2001 by J.E. Hirsch (PRL87, 206402). This model contains a modulation of the Hubbard U by coupling the double occupancy to an auxiliary spin 1/2 degree of freedom, which is in consideration of the orbital expansion upon a double occupancy due to strong Coulomb repulsion between electrons. We introduce this dynamic effect to three-band Hubbard model and investigate the binding energy and pairing correlation of this new model by Constrained-path Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization simulation.
This talk will give a simple review of capurate superconductors and the three-band Hubbard model in the beginning and then introduce the dynamic Hubbard model briefly. And our simulation results will be discussed at the end. 
Location: 606 Conference Room
Date and time: Dec 2, 2011   14:30

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