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Preparation of non-metal endohedral fullerenes by an explosive method

Jian-Ying LI
Southwest University of  Science and Technology 
Abstract: Fullerenes material have received much attention because of their extraordinary properties and their application potential in various fields from basis science to high technology engineering. Production of fullerenes was achieved by development of a benzene-burning technique to produce microscopic quantities. Othor methods also have been used to synthesis fullerenes. Lab-scale macroscopic preparation of metallofullerenes (MFs) has also progressed rapidly with the development of new catalysts impregnated into the metal-doped graphite used in their arc-discharge production to the point where gram-scale quantities are available. However, macroscopic preparation of non-metal endohedral fullerenes(NMFs) remains problematic, particularly as they cannot be produced via traditional arc-burning methods.
Explosions are clearly high-energy processes, and that energy is released on a very short time scale. Thereby, they have potential for NMF production. In this taik,I will present the use of high-energy explosions to produce He@C60 and He2@C60. Compared with the previously reported methods, this technique has several advantages including low cost, convenience, and a very short preparation time. 
Location: 606 Conference Room
Date and time: Dec 2, 2011   14:30 


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