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Negative electron energy loss and secondharmonic emission of nonlinear nanoparticles

Jin-Ying XU
Beijing Computational Science Research Center
Abstract: The theory of second harmonic generation (SHG) in three-dimensional metamaterials consisting of arbitrary distributions of spheres made of centrosymmetric materials is developed by means of the multiple scattering method. The electromagnetic field at both the fundamental frequency and second harmonic, as well as the scattering cross section, are calculated in a series of particular cases such as a single metallic sphere, two metallic spheres, chains of metallic spheres, and other periodic distributions of the metallic spheres. It is shown that the linear and nonlinear optical response of all ensembles of metallic spheres is strongly influenced by the excitation of surface plasmon-polariton resonances. The physical origin for such a phenomenon has also been analyzed. A new class of SHG devices made of such materials is anticipated. Then we have presented an investigation on the interaction between a fast electron and nonlinear materials consisting of centrosymmetric spheres. Two kinds of new effect, the negative electron energy loss caused by the second-harmonic field and the second-harmonic Smith-Purcell radiation using finite chain of nonlinear spheres, are predicted for the first time. It is shown that these new effects can be probed by the electron energy loss spectrum, suggesting their possible applications in tunable light sources for the second-harmonic generation.
Location: 606 Conference Room
Date and time: Dec 16, 2011   14:30 

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