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Electron energy loss in two-dimensional photonic crystals
Speaker: Jin-Ying Xu
Beijing Computational Science Research Center
Abstract: Electron energy loss in two-dimensional photonic crystals. A fully relativistic description of the electron energy loss and the induced radiation emission in arbitrary arrays of nonoverlapping cylinders is presented in terms of the multiple scattering method on the basis of vector cylindrical waves. The results of the electron energy loss spectrum are well correlated with the dispersion relation of coupled surface plasmon polaritons, and can be interpreted with an effective medium approximation when the electron runs inside the arrays. The band structure and density of states of twodimensional photonic crystals are shown to be directly related to the loss spectra of electrons moving parallel to the direction of translational symmetry. Electron energy loss spectroscopy performed in transmission electron microscopes is shown to directly render the photonic local density of states with unprecedented spatial resolution, currently below the nanometer.

Date&Time: May 4, 2012  14:30 - 15:00 
Location: 606 Conference Room

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