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Quantum Scattering Effects on the Surface of Topological Insulator

Speaker: Zhen-Guo Fu 
 Beijing Computational Science Research Center    

Abstract: Topological insulators (TI) have been focus of modern condensed matter physics field, and attracted a lot of interest. A special nature of TI is the intrinsic strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC), arising many novel properties. The impurity scattering is one important method to reveal the nature of surface states, thus that the study of the quantum impurity scattering on TI surface is necessary. In this report, we present some quantum scattering effects of impurities on TI surface. These includes that: (I) Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in local density of states of TI surface; (II) quantum corrals and quantum mirages on TI surface; (III) quasiparticle states and quantum interference induced by magnetic impurities on a two-dimensional topological superconductor; (IV) general multiple-scattering (magnetic/nonmagnetic) partial-wave theories for Dirac fermions. We show that, from the above issues, because of the Dirac spectrum and SOC induced fermionic chirality, the impurity scattering effect in TIs displays novel behavior that should be absent from the conventional semiconductor or metal-surface 2D electron gases. All of these theoretical results shown here can be detected by scanning tunneling microscopy techniques.

About the Speaker: Dr. Fu Zhen-Guo received his Ph.D in Condesed Matter Physics, Institute of Semiconductors CAS in 2012, and his B.S. in Physics from Inner Mongolia University in 2007.

Date&Time: August 10, 2012 (Friday), 14:30 – 15:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

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