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Finite Element Modeling of Electromagnetic Cloaking Structures

Professor Ji-Chun Li

Department of Mathematical Science, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA

Abstract: In the June 23, 2006's issue of Science magazine, Pendry et al and Leonhardt independently published their works on electromagnetic cloaking. In Nov 2006's Science, Pendry et al demonstrated the first practical realization of such a cloak with the use of artificially structured metamaterials. Since then, there is a growing interest in using metamaterials to construct invisibility cloaks. In this talk, I'll focus on the mathematical derivation and modeling of cloaking structures. Interesting simulations in both frequency domain and time domain will be presented. Some mathematical issues (such as using superconvergence for our adaptive method) will be mentioned during the talk.

About the Speaker: Ji-Chun Li obtained his B.S. degree in Computational Mathematics from Nanjing University in 1987 and his PhD degree in Applied Mathematics from Florida State University in 1998. He came to University of Nevada Las Vegas as Assistant Professor in 2000, moving up to Associate Professor in 2006 and Full Professor in 2010. He was selected as Distinguished Professor of Hunan “100 Talents Program” in the same year. His research interests are Numerical analysis, mathematical modeling and scientific computing in many areas, including groundwater modeling, computational electromagnetics, and imaging processing. His research has been supported by Air Force, NSF, NSF EPSCoR, and NASA EPSCoR. Ji-Chun Li serves on editorial boards for a number of leading international research journals and is the author of one book and over 70 peer reviewed journal papers.

Date&Time: August 22, 2012 (Wednesday) 15:30-16:30
Location: 606 Conference Room, No.3 Heqing Road, Haidian District


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