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Geometrical Effects on Exciton Energy Transfer in Artificial Light-Harvesting Network Promoted by Quantum Coherence

Speaker: Dr. Ai Qing  

Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University

Abstract: We study the exciton energy transfer (EET) in an artificial light-harvesting network. In this system, four bacterio-chlorophylls are laid in one line with the total distance between two ends fixed, while the distances between two neighboring sites can be varied. In order to investigate the quantum dynamics, we make use of a newly-developed approach, the coherent modified Redfield theory. Furthermore, for the sake of efficiency, the non-Markovian quantum trajectory method is applied to the numerical simulation. It is discovered that the effective transfer rate is maximized if the donor and acceptor cluster are dimerized, respectively. Therefore, for this given topology, we find that the optimized parameters for the EET. Our results also reveal several crucial factors to the EET efficiency, including the appropriate coupling strength between two neighboring sites and the energy matching condition. All these discoveries may be beneficial to the future innovation of artificial light-harvesting network. 


Date&Time: October 22, 2012 (Monday), 16:00–17:00
Location: 606 Conference Room

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