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Construct Order Parameter from the Density Matrix Spectra


Prof.Shi-Jian Gu 

Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 

Email: sjgu@phy.cuhk.edu.hk 

Abstract: In this talk, we try to establish a connection between a quantum information concept, i.e. the mutual information, and the conventional order parameter in condensed matter physics. We show that non-vanishing mutual information at a long distance means the existence of long-range order. By analyzing the entanglement spectra of the reduced density matrix that are used to calculate the mutual information, we show how to find the local order operator used to identify various phases with long-rang order.

About the Speker: Shi-Jian GU received his Ph.D. degree in Physics from Zhejiang University in 2002. Then he continued to conduct post-doctoral research before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong. From year 2005 to present, he works as assistant and associate professor in the Department of Physics, CUHK. His current research focuses on Quantum information perspective of critical phenomena and Low-dimensional strongly correlated systems. He has been awarded Chinese National Award of Natural Science (Rank 2) in 2003.

Date&Time: November 23, 2012 (Friday), 10:30–11:30a.m. 
Location: 606 Conference Room

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