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Entropically Dominant State of Proteins

Prof. Pu Tian

The School of Life Sciences, Jilin University

Email: tianpu@jlu.edu.cn

Abstract: Configurational entropy is an important factor in the free energy change of many macromolecular recognition and binding processes, and has been intensively studied. Despite great progresses that have been made, the global sampling problem remains to be a grand challenge in computational analysis of relevant processes. Here we propose and demonstrate an entropy estimation method that is based on physical partition of configurational space and can be readily combined with currently available methodologies. Tests with two globular proteins suggest that for flexible macromolecules with large and complex configurational space, accurate configurational entropy estimation may be achieved simply by considering the entropically most important subspace, thus convert an exhaustive sampling problem into a local sampling problem.

主要研究领域: 计算结构生物学: 1) 以分子动力学模拟和统计力学分析为主要手段研究蛋白质构象动力学; 2) 高效蛋白质结构预测与设计软件的开发。相关研究领域: 蛋白质对接,新药开发的计算方法研究。

Date&Time: December 4, 2012 (Tuesday), 10:00–11:00 a.m.  
Location: 606 Conference Room

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