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Feasible Representation of Quantum Many-body Ground States: Tensor-product-based Projected States Ansatz

Dr. Chung-Pin Chou (Research Associate)

Condensed Matter Physics Material Science Department

Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA 11973

Abstract: A projected wave function approach based on projection operators in the form of matrix-product operators is introduced. This approach allows us to variationally improve the short-range entanglement of a given trial wave function while the long-range entanglement is contained in the initial guess. We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach by considering a one-dimensional model of interacting spinless fermions. In addition, we indicate how to generalize this approach to higher dimensions using projection operators based on tensor products.

Date&Time: December 18, 2012 (Tuesday), 15:00–16:00
Location: 606 Conference Room

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