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The Scattering between Ultracold Atoms with Spin-orbit Coupling

Professor Peng Zhang 

 Physics Department, Renmin University of China 

Abstract: We developed an ab initio approach for the low-energy scattering problem of ultracold atoms with spin-orbit (SO) coupling. We derive the modified Bethe-Peierles boundary condition for the systems with SO coupling, and obtain the analytical expression of the low-energy inter-atomic scattering amplitude, as well as the algebra equation for the two-atom bound-state energy. With our result we examine the validity of the effective contact interaction for the SO-coupled ultracold gases. Collaborating with the USTC experimental group, we also study the stability of excited dressed state with SO coupling.

About the Speaker: Prof. Zhang received his Ph. D. in Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS. Then he performed postdoctoral research in Georgia Institute of Technology and ERATO program in Japan. In 2010, he became a professor in physics department of Renmin University of China. His research interest includes the few-body problems in ultracold atom physics and quantum optics.

Date&Time: January 9, 2013 (Wednesday), 16:00–17:00
Location: 606 Conference Room

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