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Topological Phenomena in Trapped-Ion Systems





 Dr Tao Shi (石弢 博士)

           Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics Garching, Germany


Abstract: We propose and analyze a scheme to observe topological phenomena with ions in micro-traps. We consider a set of trapped ions forming a regular structure in two spatial dimensions and interacting with lasers. We find phonon bands with nontrivial topological properties, which are caused by the breaking of time-reversal symmetry induced by the lasers. We investigate the appearance of edge modes, as well as their robustness against perturbations. Long-range hopping of phonons caused by the Coulomb interaction gives rise to flat bands which, together with induced phonon-phonon interactions, can be used to produce and explore strongly correlated states. Furthermore, some of these ideas can also be implemented with cold atoms in optical lattices. .

About the Speaker: Dr. Shi received his Bachelor degree in Physics from Nankai University in 2006, and then performed his study on quantum physics under the supervision of Prof. Changpu Sun in the institute of theoretical physics, where he got the Ph. D. in Physics in 2011. From 2011, he continued his postdoctoral research in Ignacio Cirac’s group in Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum optics.

Date&Time: February 20, 2013(Wednesday),16:00 -17:00  
Location:  606 Conference Room(海淀区荷清路3号写字楼A座六层606会议室)

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