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Opto-mechanical system with a nonlinear crystal





 Dr. Yue Chang (常越 博士)

           Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics Garching, Germany


Abstract: We investigate an optical cavity with one moving end-mirror, inside which a second-order degenerate nonlinear optical crystal is embedded. Here, we consider two quantum fields (signal and pump fields) inside the cavity, where the signal field is produced and amplified via the nonlinear interaction to the pump field, with only one input field driving the pump field. When the input is below the threshold, the expectation value of the signal field vanishes, but the photon number is not zero, which makes the coupling between the mechanical oscillator and the signal field non-vanished. We want to see how this amplified field influences the mechanical resonator’s quantum behaviors, such as the cooling and squeezing effect.

About the Speaker: Dr. Chang received his Bachelor degree in Physics from Sun Yat-sen University in 2006, and then performed his study on quantum physics under the supervision of Prof. Changpu Sun in the institute of theoretical physics, Chinese academy of sciences, where she got the Ph. D. in Physics in 2011. From 2012, she continued his postdoctoral research in Ignacio Cirac’s group in Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum optics.

Date&Time: February 20, 2013(Wednesday),15:00 -16:00  
Location:  606 Conference Room(海淀区荷清路3号写字楼A座六层606会议室)

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