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From Discrete Velocity Model to Moment Method



 Prof. Ruo Li (李若教授)

 School of Mathematical Science, Peking University

E-mail: rli@math.pku.edu.cn


Abstract: In the numerical approaches for Boltzmann equation, the discrete velocity model and the moment method are formally very different. The difference is so big that the communities working on the two approaches are in certain hostile relation. In this talk, I will try to show the intrinsic connection between these two approaches. Precisely, the Grad type moment method with appropriate closure can be regarded as a discrete velocity model with some adaptivities in setup of the velocity points. The globally hyperbolic regulazation of the moment method plays an essential role in connecting both approaches together.

About the Speaker: Ruo Li got his Ph.D. in Peking University, 2001. He is currently a professor in Department of Scientific and Engineering Computation. His research interests include grid based adaptive techniques in numerical PDEs, modeling and simulation of fluid dynamics, and numerical software development.

Date&Time: March 28, 2013 (Thursday),10:30 -11:30 a.m.  
Location:  606 Conference Room

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