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Computational Studies for Cancer Cell Lineage Models and Cell Signaling


A/Prof. Xin-Feng Liu (刘新峰)

University of South Carolina, USA


Abstract: For the first part of this talk, I shall introduce mathematical modeling for the dynamical interaction between cancer stem cells (CSCs) and non-stem cancer cells, and our findings reveal that two negative feedback loops are critical in controlling the balance between the population of CSCs and that of non-stem cancer cells. Furthermore, the model with negative feedback suggests that over-expression of the oncogene HER2 leads to an increase of CSCs by regulating the division mode or proliferation rate of CSCs.
Scaffold, a class of proteins, plays many important roles in signal transduction. For the second part of my talk, through studying various models of scaffold, I will show novel regulations induced by scaffold binding in a multi-site phosphorylation system and with scaffold's spatial localization. To efficiently compute the models, we introduce a new class of fast numerical algorithm incorporated with adaptive mesh refinement and WENO scheme for solving the stiff systems with spatial dynamics.
Date&Time: May 13, 2013 (Monday),10:00 -11:00 a.m.  
Location:  606 Conference Room

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