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Pseudo-magnetoexcitons in Strained Graphene Double-layer System without External Magnetic Fields

Speaker: Zhen-Guo Fu, Beijing Computational Science Research Center    

Abstract: The pseudomagnetoexcitons (PME) in a strained graphene double-layer (SGDL) system in the absence of external magnetic fields is discussed in this presentation. Firstly, I will show the PME dispersion in our proposed SGDL device. In what follows, I will discuss two potential applications of the SGDL system.  One is the optical absorption property of PMEs, and another one is the Bose-Einstein condensation of the PME, especially the superfluidity phase-transition temperature of PME. The experimental proposal about this SGDL devicewill also be illuminated. 

Date&Time: June 14, 2013 (Friday), 10:30–11:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

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