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Soliton and Vortex Dynamics and Tunneling-Hydrodynamic Analysis


Prof. Avy Soffer

Department of Mathematics

Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA  

Email: soffer@math.rutgers.edu


Abstract: I will describe a method, based on the hydrodynamic formalism, to study the problem of soliton and vortex tunneling from wells, and related phenomena. In particular, I show how this approach uncovers a new structure of tunneling processes, for both linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equation. This new process, in which the tunneled wave appears as blips outside the well, has been observed experimentally.
About the Speaker: Prof. Avy Soffer received his M.Sc and Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from Tel Aviv University. He was an invited speaker of International Congress of Mathematicians in 2006. He is now the Distinguished Professor and the Member of the Physics Graduate Faculty in Rutgers University. Prof. Avy Soffer’s research interests are in the fields of Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. It includes the study of soliton and other coherent state large time dynamics, spectral and scattering theory, many body quantum mechanics and field theory mathematical biology, rigorous and applied numerical analysis of dispersive wave equations, resonance theories in QM, etc.
Date&Time: June 21, 2013 (Friday), 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Location: 606 Conference Room

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