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From the Spectral Stokes Solvers to the Stokes Eigenmodes in Square/cube, until Questions in Fluid Dynamics



Prof. Gérard Labrosse

Email: gerard.labrosse@u-psud.fr


Abstract: A brief presentation of the different spectral Stokes solvers which are available on the "market" is given. This leads to identify the unique solver which allows us to compute the Stokes eigenmodes. These modes, computed in the square and the cube, are then commented for their physics. They suggest to consider the potential formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations, which is a local formulation, while raising some questions.
About the Speaker: G. Labrosse is Professor of Mechanics, retired from University Paris 11, Orsay, Scientific Advisor at the Atomic Energy French Agency (CEA) and Visiting Professor at University of Florida (USA). He started his research career as Physicist in Elementary Particle Physics at CERN (Geneva) and then at Paris Ecole Polytechnique. He then moved to CFD, based on the development and use of Chebyshev Spectral Method, and applied to the analysis of Closed Flow Dynamics in various configurations, the 2D/3D lid-driven cavity, the 2D/3D thermally-driven cavity filled with either simple or binary fluids, the thermo-capillary flows in floating zone. More recently he worked on the numerical determination of the Stokes eigenmodes in square and cube. He is presently involved with CEA to the analysis of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, comparing the results coming from compressible, anelastic and incompressible models."
Date&Time: June 21, 2013 (Friday), 16:00 - 17:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

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