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Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flows


      Dr. Jie Li

     Department of Engineering,

      University of Cambridge, UK

      Email: jl305@eng.cam.ac.uk


Abstract: We present two interface-tracking methods for the simulations of two immiscible-liquid flows: the Volume of Fluid method is an implicit method where interfaces are represented by the volume fraction of one reference liquid in each cell; the moving mesh method is an explicit method where interfaces are lines of numerical girds. After discussing their relative merits and weakness, their applications to multiphase flow simulations will be demonstrated through binary droplet collision, droplet impact on a solid substrate and three-phase flows with triple junction points, among other examples.
Research Interests: Initially trained as a pure mathematician, Dr. Li has migrated to applied sciences. His research interest is numerical computation of multiphase flows. He is among the pioneers who invented independently a second order Volume of Fluid (VOF) method; his paper Piecewise Linear Interface Calculation is the first paper of the kind published in a peer review journal. He has worked on Volume of Fluid methods for interface tracking, Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian methods for moving boundary problems, two-liquid flows at low Reynolds number, contact line problems, Non-Newtonian fluids, atomization, surfactant problem, fluid-structure interaction, and three-phase flows.  
Date&Time: June 26, 2013 (Wednesday),10:00 - 11:00a.m.
Location: 606 Conference Room

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