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Mechanism of ATP/GTP Hydrolysis in Cytoskeletal Filaments


Speaker: Dr. Xin Li, Department of Chemistry, Rice University

Abstract: Cytoskeleton proteins such as microtubules and actin filaments play a critical role in important biological processes including cell division, cytoplasmic organization, cellular transport and motility. They can be viewed as dynamic polymers that function in non-equilibrium conditions stimulated by hydrolysis of ATP(adenosine triphosphate) or GTP (guanosine triphopshate) molecules bound to their monomers. In recent years significant experimental advances in investigation of cellular processes have been achieved, however, the underlying ATP/GTP hydrolysis processes are not understood and have been controversial for many years.  Several  different ATP/GTP hydrolysis mechanisms will be discussed in this talk.

Date&Time: July 12, 2013 (Friday), 15:30 – 16:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

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