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Spin-spin Correlation between Magnetic Impurities in Topological Insulator


Speaker: Dr. Liang Chen, Beijing Computational Science Research Center    

Abstract:  There are substantial interesting phenomena related to time-reversal symmetry broken on the surface of topological insulator (TI). Bulk-doping with magnetic impurities is a regular method to break time-reversal symmetry in TI. Systematic study the spin-spin correlation between magnetic impurities in the bulk of TI is essential for scientific understanding the magnetic ordering in bulk dopped TI and anomalous transport properties on TI surface. It is also important for practical applications such as constructing quantum anomalous Hall system in magnetic dopped TI. In this seminar, I will present our research progress on spin-spin correlation between magnetic impurities in the bulk of TI from slave-boson mean field analysis and quantum Monte Carlo simulation.

Date&Time: July 19, 2013 (Friday), 14:30 – 15:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

Beijing Computational Science Research Center, No. 3 He-Qing Road, Hai-Dian District, Beijing, 100084 Tel: 86-10-82687001 E-mail: info[at]csrc.ac.cn
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