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Modern Concepts in Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics

Prof. Kirone Mallick

Institutde Physique Théorique, CEA Saclay, France

Email: Kirone.MALLICK@cea.fr  

Abstract: In this short lecture, a number of issues and modern concepts in nonequilibrium statistical physics will be introduced and discussed within the probabilistic and master equations framework. The role of the detailed balance condition in differentiating equilibrium versus nonequilibrium dynamics will be highlighted. A brief discussion on the ASEP as the Ising model of 1D driven transport will be given. Basic ideas in the large deviations theory as a tool to characterize the nonequilibrium steady-state distribution will be explained.
About the Speaker: Dr. Kirone Mallick is a theoretical physicist and active member in the French school of statistical physics. He studied under the guidance of Boltzmann medalist Bernard Derrida and has made numerous important contributions to nonequilibrium statistical physics and biophysics.
Date&Time: August 1, 2013 (Thursday), 15:00 - 16:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

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