Abstract: Graphene-like lattices offer in spite of lacking geometric frustration a promising playground for novel phases for fermions due to enhanced fluctuations as a result of low dimensionality, low coordination, and a vanishing density of states at the neutrality point. We review in this talk different phases appearing in quantum Monte Carlo simulations due to correlation in interplay with structure in single layer and bilayer systems, spin-orbit interaction, and a number N > 2 of flavors. The latter case, originally introduced by theoretical motivations can nowadays be realized experimentally with ultra-cold alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices.
Research Interests: Prof. Alejandro Muramatsu’s research group mainly focuses on strongly interacting electronic systems which have evolved in recent years into one of the focal points in solid-state research. This is due to the major differences which these compounds exhibit the usual behavior of electronic systems. A particularly interesting example of forming the high-temperature superconductor. These materials are characterized not only by the fact that they show at a very high compared to conventional superconductors, the transition temperature to the superconducting state. Rather, the experimental results show that the high temperature superconductor is already known in the normal state, i.e. above the temperature at which they become superconducting, very different from all previously known metallic compounds. Observed in the high-temperature superconductors deviations from Fermiflüssigkeitsverhalten suggest that new theoretical approaches are needed because of the strong electronic correlation to describe both the normal and the superconducting state.
Date&Time: August 14, 2013 (Wednesday), 15:00 - 16:00
Location: 606 Conference Room