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Roles and Importance of Computational Science and Simulations in R&D of Nuclear Safety


     Prof. Jin Jiang (姜晶 教授)

   University of Western Ontario, Canada

      Email: jjiang@eng.uwo.ca


Abstract: All nuclear systems are so extremely complex that true understanding of their operations heavily relies on computational science and simulations. In fact, before the actual construction of a nuclear system, the concept and design of each component and the performance of the partial/full integration of these components must be examined carefully with the most reliable simulations. Obviously, before this step, the reliability of the simulation codes has to be verified and validated. After the construction and functional operation of a nuclear system, the R&D of any new concept/idea again typically starts with simulations. If a physical part of the nuclear system should be modified or changed, the R&D and testing of its prototype are not carried out in the nuclear system by interrupting the expensive system operation, instead these tasks are carried out with a virtual operation of the nuclear system, i.e., with a massive and well-coordinated set of simulators. After the terrible nuclear accidents of Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2011, both nuclear safety experts and the public shifted their attention to how one can most effectively manage a similar nuclear disaster, particularly to manage the operation of a nuclear system under extremely abnormal operation-conditions (such as a melting reactor), with the objective of reducing the damages and public risks. Because of the unaffordable costs and risks of actually running a real nuclear system under extremely abnormal operation-conditions, the only practical way to conduct the relevant R&D is to build a dedicated lab and task-force team with leading-edge computational science and simulations.
About the Speaker: Industrial Research Chair sponsored by the Canadian Natural Science & Engineering Research Council (equivalent to our NSFC+MOST) and the nuclear power industry in Canada since 2002, and the principal scientist in nuclear safety in Canada, with his consultancy services in this topic being delivered elsewhere in the world; Thousand Talents Awardee (B) sponsored by CSRC, as a member of the Advanced Materials and Green Energy Division; concurrently full professor at University of Western Ontario.
Date&Time: August 15, 2013 (Thursday), 16:30 - 17:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

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