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Disordered Impurities and Strong Pairing Limit of High-Tc: Opportunities and Potential Collaborations


      Prof. Ku Wei (顾威教授)

Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, USA

E-mail: weiku@bnl.gov


Abstract: In this talk, I will review two recent topics of research of my group, and outline exciting research opportunities and potential collaboration: 1) new method to handle the effects of disordered impurities in materials;  2) the strong pairing limit of superconductivities and their applications to cuprates high-Tc superconductors.  The purpose of the talk is to introduce our new capabilities and seek potential collaborations with researchers. 

About the Speaker: Dr. Wei Ku, condensed matter physicist, graduated from physics department, University of Tennessee in 2000. He conducted his postdoctoral research in University of California at Davis 2000-2003, and became a physicist in Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2003. He has published more than 65 papers, at least half of which are in prestigious journals like Physical Review Letter and Natural Physics. His research area includes first-principles theoretical study of electronic structure of materials and their excitation, and related computational method development. In recent years, he focused on strongly correlated materials and disorders in functional materials.

Date&Time: August 21, 2013 (Wednesday), 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Location: 606 Conference Room

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