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Possible Exotic Superconductivity in the Single Layer and Bilayer Silicene

 Prof. Fan Yang (杨帆 教授)

School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology

Email: yangfan_blg@bit.edu.cn

Abstract: Silicene, the silicon-based counterpart of graphene, has attracted a lot of research interest since synthesized recently. Similar honeycomb lattice structures of the two systems let them share most of their marvelous physical properties. The most important structural difference between the two systems lie in the noncoplanar lowbuckled geometry in silicene, which brings up a lot of interesting physical consequence to the system.  Here we focus on possible exotic superconductivity (SC) in the family, via random phase approximation (RPA) study on the relevant Hubbard-models. Two systems of this family are studied, including the single layer and bilayer silicene. For the former system, we found an electric-field driven quantum phase transition (QPT) from chiral d+id to f-wave SC when the field is perpendicular to the silicene plane. For the latter system, we found that even the undoped system is a d+id chiral superconductor, whose Tc is tunable via strain and can be high. Our study not only provides a new playground for the study of the exotic SC, but also brings a new epoch to the familiar Si industry.

About the Speaker: Fan Yang is a condensed-matter physicist. He was graduated from the Peking University and obtained the Ph.D at 2002. Later, he conducted the postdoctoral research at the Institute of Advanced Study at the Tsinghua University. From 2004 till now, he worked in the Beijing Institute of Technology. Now he is a professor on theoretical condensed-matter physics. He has a lot of important works, some of which was published in such high-leveled Journals as  the Phys. Rev. Lett. His recent research focuses on unconventional superconductors and strongly correlated electronic systems.

Date&Time: August 30, 2013 (Friday), 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Location: 606 Conference Room

Beijing Computational Science Research Center, No. 3 He-Qing Road, Hai-Dian District, Beijing, 100084 Tel: 86-10-82687001 E-mail: info[at]csrc.ac.cn
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