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Numerical Study of Global Stability of Plane Shear Flow

     Prof. Hai-Jun Yu (于海军教授)

       Institute of Computational Mathematics, CAS

        Email: hyu@lsec.cc.ac.cn 

Abstract: Osborne Reynolds studied the instability of pipe flow in his seminal 1883 paper. Since then, the interests in the instability of fluid dynamics rose up. The linear stability analysis was first introduced by W. M. Orr and A. Sommerfeld (1907, 1908). Later, a lot of mathematical works were carried out and the instability (and turbulence) has been one of the most important problems in fluid dynamics for more than one century. However, the picture of the stability loss and the transition to turbulence is still vague. In this talk, we introduce two methods to study the global stability and stability transition of the plane Poiseuille flow. The first one is the Minimum Action Method (MAM); it is a deterministic method minimizing the action on the transition path. The second method is a stochastic method, which study the global stability by solving the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation for a very long time.
About the Speaker: Yu Haijun got his PhD at Peking University in 2007. Then he went to USA and conducts his postdoctoral research at Princeton and Purdue University. In 2010 he moved to the current affiliation: Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing (CAS). Prof. Yu’s main research interests include modeling, analysis and simulations of complex fluids, spectral methods and numerical methods for high dimensional problems and PDEs.
Date&Time: November 7, 2013 (Thursday), 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Location: 606 Conference Room

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