Dr. Zu-Jian Ying (应祖建 博士) Senior Fellow ISC-CNR and Physics Department, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy Email: zujianying@yahoo.com |
Abstract: After a simple introduction to some experimental advances in cold atoms during recent years, we will discuss the interplay between population imbalance and pairing correlation in trapped ultracold atoms. We map the problem of an imbalanced two-component Fermi gas confined in a harmonic trap with a BCS pairing interaction onto the Richardson model, which makes the problem exactly solvable. This facilitates to trace the mechanism that controls different spectrum topologies, density profiles, and polarization processes. Then we will focus on the experimental debates between the MIT group and the Rice group that had last several years. We shall present a theory and an intrinsic mechanism from the interplay of pairing correlation, spin imbalance, trap potential and filling, which can lead to different phases of equi-potential and deformed phase separations, which enables us to give a unified scenario in explaining all the main controversial aspects in the MIT-Rice experimental debates.
Research Areas: Strongly-correlated systems and non-perturbative methods; Low dimensional systems and integrable models; Coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism; Superconducting metallic nanograins; Cold atoms; High-Tc superconductors; Density functional theory and its developments.
Date&Time: January 14, 2014 (Tuesday), 15:45 - 16:45
Location: 606 Conference Room, No.3 Heqing Road, Haidian District