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Modeling Mechanical Properties of DNA: Allosteric Protein Binding, Loop Formation, and Longitudinal Fluctuations


Dr. Xin-Liang Xu (徐辛亮 博士)

Department of Chemistry, MIT

Email: xlxu@MIT.EDU

Abstract: The deformability of DNA has great impacts on its overall shape as well as on many biological functions, such as protein-DNA binding, chromosomal DNA packaging, DNA damage repair, and regulation of gene expression. Here we present our recently developed coarse grained mechanical model of DNA that studies the local deformations of DNA from its canonical structure. In collaboration with recent experimental studies, the correlation between local deformations is unveiled and identified as the underlying mechanism for the observed allosteric protein binding. This newly discovered correlation improves our understanding of the flexibility of DNA and suggests modification of the traditional description of DNA as an elastic rod, which is valid only for long DNA chains and has been challenged by recent experimental studies at shorter length scales. With explicit consideration of the length scale over which local deformations are correlated, our improved model predicts a length dependent flexibility. While our model reduces to the traditional worm-like chain model in the long chain limit, it predicts that DNA becomes much more flexible at shorter sizes that are of biological importance, in good agreement with recent loop formation measurements of short DNA fragments around 100 base pairs.
About the Speaker: Dr. Xin-Liang Xu is currently working as a MIT-SUTD postdoc fellow in the group of Prof. Jianshu Cao at MIT chemistry. Inspired by recent experiments, they are trying to build a simple coarse grained model and study the property-structure relationship of DNA molecules, especially when they are locally deformed or damaged. Dr. Xu received his B.S. in physics from Tsinghua University in 2002. After that he went to the University of Chicago and started his Ph.D. training in the department of Physics. Interested in the rich phenomena displayed by colloidal suspensions, he studied and worked under the supervision of Prof. Stuart A. Rice and graduated in December, 2007. After a few months of jobs hunting, he was offered to join the group of Prof. Aaron R. Dinner as a postdoc associate. In the next three years, he has learned to use computer simulations and studied the behavior of colloidal suspensions when driven out of equilibrium. By implementing various sampling techniques, they are able to find out the underlying mechanism for the string structure recently observed in experiments.
Date&Time: March 25, 2014 (Tuesday), 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Location: 606 Conference Room

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