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A Posteriori Error Estimates for Multipoint Flux Mixed Finite Element Method

Speaker: Dr. Shao-Hong Du (杜绍洪), Beijing Computational Science Research Center

Abstract: A novel residual-type a posteriori error analysis technique is developed for multipoint flux mixed finite element (MFMFE)methods for flow in porous media in two or three space dimensions. The derived a posteriori error estimator for the velocity and pressure error in L2-norm consists of discretization and quadrature indicators, and is shown to be reliable and efficient. The main tools of analysis are alocally postprocessed approximation to the pressure solution of an auxiliary problem and a quadrature error estimate.

Moreover, A reduced MFMFE method is used to discretize elliptic interface problem in two-dimensional space to obtain an accurate approximation to the flux. Within the class of the modified quasi-monotonically distributed coefficients we derive uniformly robusta residual-type posteriori error estimators for both the flux error and the displacement error. This talk also proposes an adaptive algorithm based on our estimators, and proves the flux error plus some quantity is convergent with only Dorfler Marking and without the so-called quasi-orthogonality when the initial mesh-size is small enough. Numerical experiments are reported to support our theoretical results and also show the efficiency for the coefficients violated thequasi-monotone assumptions.

Date&Time: April 18, 2014 (Friday), 14:30–15:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

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