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Quadrupole Effect Induced Nuclear Spin Polarization

Speaker: Dr. Bao Liu, Beijing Computational Science Research Center

Abstract: The spin of an electron confined in a quantum dot is a good candidate for qubit. It needs lesser energy to operate electron spin states then charge states, and the spin states do not affect by the charge fluctuation of quantum dot, so spin qubit have a longer coherence time. Further, when we erase out the information in the spin qubits it will produce lesser heat. For these advantages the spintronics has attracted intense interest. The critical obstacle for electron spin states to have a long coherence time is the fluctuating collective nuclear field from the nuclear spins of the host lattice. By using the flip-flop term of the Fermi-contact hyperfine interaction between electron spin and nuclear spin it has been report that we can suppress the fluctuation of the nuclear spins by pumping the electron spin state. In this talk we will introduce a theoritical study of quadrupole effect induced nuclear spin polarization.

Date&Time: June 20, 2014 (Friday), 14:30–15:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

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