Prof. Jiu-Shu Shao (邵久书 教授)
Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Email: jiushu@bnu.edu.cn
Abstract: Upon employing the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation or Ito calculus as well as the Girsanov transformation, the quantum dynamics of a dissipative system described by a system-plus-bath model is shown to satisfy a stochastic Liouville equation driven by complex noises, which might be regarded as the quantum analogue to the traditional Langevin equation.
The stochastic formulation can be used not only as a theoretical tool for deriving master equations for specific systems or developing approximations, but also as a practical technique for simulating nonequilibrium dynamics numerically via a direct implementation or transforming to a deterministic algorithm a la hierarchical equations. It has been demonstrated that a mixed random-deterministic scheme taking both advantages of the random and deterministic treatments is effective to calculate the zero-temperature dynamics of the spin-boson model with Ohmic dissipation. It is observed that for strong dissipation the population in the localized state obeys a simple rate dynamics and time scale is proportional to the reciprocal of the cutoff frequency.
报告人简介: 邵久书, 南开大学学士(1983)、硕士(1986), 德意志联邦共和国乌尔姆大学博士(1992), 南开大学为陈省身数学研究所博士后、副教授(1992-1996), 德国锡根大学、奥格斯堡大学洪堡学者(1996-1997), 美国依利诺大学访问学者(1998-2001), 中国科学院化学研究所“百人计划”研究员(2001-2006), 北京师范大学长江学者特聘教授(2006至今)。2002年获国家基金委杰出青年科学基金, 2007年入选“新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选”, 2011年获国务院政府特殊津贴。研究方向:理论化学、理论物理。主要研究兴趣为复杂分子系统的量子动力学、分子手性控制以及生物分子手性同一性起源等问题。
Date&Time: August 26, 2014 (Tuesday), 15:00 - 16:30
Location: 606 Conference Room