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Topological Insulator Materials in the Honeycomb Lattice

  A/Prof. Bing-Hai Yan (颜丙海)

 Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems 

                         Email: yan@cpfs.mpg.de                          

Abstract: Topological insulator (TIs) is a new quantum state of matter that is characterized by the metallic surface states inside the bulk energy gap. The realization of TIs in real materials stimulates the development of this field. In this talk, I will introduce a simple recipe to design large-gap TIs, which originates from the chemical intuitions about materials design. Following this recipe, exciting topological states, such 3D strong and weak TIs, 2D TIs and quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulators, have been discovered in materials with the honeycomb structure. For example, assisted by ab-initio band structure calculations, we can realize the 2D TI and QAH states with an energy gap larger than 0.3 eV in stanene, the honeycomb lattice made of Sn. References: PRL 109, 116406 (2012); PRL 111, 136804 (2013); Nature Phys. 9, 709 (2013); arXiv:1405.4731 (2014).
Date&Time: September 4, 2014 (Thursday), 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. 
Location: 606 Conference Room

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