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Workshop on the Physics of Living Matter

Tentative Date : Dec 4-5, 2014

Venue: CSRC, 3 He Qing Road, Haidian

Organizing Committee:

    CSRC: L-H Tang, Jin Yu, Haiguang Liu

    IOP: Ming Li, Liyu Liu, Fangfu Ye

    PKU: Yiqin Gao

    Tsinghua: TBA

The main aim of this 2-day informal workshop is to get experimental and modeling people together to explore future collaboration opportunities among colleagues from IOP, PKU, Tsinghua and CSRC, especially those who moved to Beijing recently. We hope to make it a series that rotate around the four institutions. For this meeting, we plan to organize four half-day sessions with the topics listed below. A preliminary list of participants is also included. We need suggestions from you to make it complete, especially more colleagues from Tsinghua.

At the first meeting, we can also discuss about formation of a small committee with contact persons from each institution to overlook future activities.

Workshop Topics (half-day focused sessions)

A. DNA structure & dynamics, transcription/translation machinery

B. Conformational dynamics of proteins and function (cryo-EM, X-rays, single molecule experiments, MD, MC, enhanced sampling, multi-scale and energy landscape methods)

C. Structure and dynamics of the cell and the cell nucleus (compartmentalization, co-localization, protein factory, transport)

D. Cell population, growth, migration, microenvironment characterization (vascular system, heterogeneity, cancer development, therapeutic strategies)


Beijing Computational Science Research Center, No. 3 He-Qing Road, Hai-Dian District, Beijing, 100084 Tel: 86-10-82687001 E-mail: info[at]csrc.ac.cn
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