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Quantum Photon Storage in Single Nuclear Spin in Nitrogen Vacancy in Diamond



Dr. Sen Yang (杨森)

3rd institute of physics, University of Stuttgart

Email: s.yang@physik.uni-stuttgart.de


Abstract: Quantum repeater is one of the key elements to realize long distancequantum communication. In the heart of a quantum repeater is quantummemory. There are a few requirements for this memory: it needsto couple to flying qubits: photon ; it needs to have long coherencetime, so quantum error correction algorithm can be performed in thequantum repeater nods ; it needs to be stable under optical illuminations.Nitrogen nuclear spin is available for every nitrogen vacancy center(NV) in diamond. Besides it can be a robust quantum memory forspin qubit operation, nitrogen nuclear spin can couple to photon bytakingadvantage of optically resonant excitation of spin-selective transitionsin low temperature. Here we demonstrate the coherent storageof quantum information from photon into nuclear spin. We show thisquantum memory fulfils requirements as quantum memory for quantumrepeater. Coherent time beyond 10 seconds is measured in C13natural abundant sample.
About the Speaker: Dr. Sen Yang graduated from Tsinghua University in 2002, and got his Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego. Recently he is working in the 3rd institute of physics in University of Stuttgart on nitrogen vacancy center in diamond. 
Date&Time: December 26, 2014 (Friday), 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Location: 606 Conference Room

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