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Anisotropic Particle in Viscous Shear Flow: Navier Slip, Reciprocal Symmetry, and Jeffery Orbit


  Dr. Tie-Zheng Qian (钱铁铮)

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics

  Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

 Email: maqian@ust.hk


Abstract: The hydrodynamic reciprocal relations and the Jeffery orbit, both of which arise from the motion of a slippery anisotropic particle in a simple viscous shear flow, are investigated theoretically and numerically. For a slippery elliptical particle in a linear shear flow, the hydrodynamic reciprocal relations between the rotational torque and the shear stress are studied and related to the Jeffery orbit, showing that the boundary slip can effectively enhance the anisotropy of the particle. By replacing the no-slip boundary condition with the Navier slip condition at the particle surface, the cross coupling between the rotational torque and the shear stress is enhanced, reflected in the hydrodynamic reciprocal relations and the Jeffery orbit. In addition, simulations for a circular particle patterned with portions of no-slip and Navier slip are carried out, showing that the particle possesses an effective anisotropy and follows the Jeffery orbit as well. This effective anisotropy can be tuned by changing the ratio of no-slip portion to slip potion. The connection of the present work to nematic liquid crystals’ constitutive relations is discussed.
About the Speaker: Tiezheng Qian received his PhD from Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS. He did postdoc research in UC Berkeley, Case Western Reserve University, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He joined the Math Dept of HKUST in 2003. His research interests include macroscopic quantum coherence phenomena, statistical physics, and micro-scale hydrodynamics.
Date&Time: January 16, 2015 (Friday), 16:00 - 17:00
Location: 606 Conference Room

Beijing Computational Science Research Center, No. 3 He-Qing Road, Hai-Dian District, Beijing, 100084 Tel: 86-10-82687001 E-mail: info[at]csrc.ac.cn
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