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Transport and diffusion behaviors in low-D systems

Zhao Hong
Department of Physics
Xiamen University
Abstract:In this talk, first I will briefly introduce the recent progress our group has made on low-dimensional heat conduct problem and then I will focus on our recent findings on the diffusion process in low-dimensional systems. Using the fluctuation correlation function, a powerful tool, I will show by examples that the diffusive behaviors of the internal energy, the heat energy, the mass, and the momentum could be remarkably different in nature. Based on these results, a solid connection between the heat conduction and the heat diffusion can be well established, which is in clear contrast to the fact that the existence of such a general connection was prevented by previous studies.   
Location: 606 conference room
Date and time: August 11th, 2011    11:00 A.M.-12:00 A.M.

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