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Magnetic Impurity in Graphene with Defects
Dr. Feiming Hu
Department of Applied Physics,
Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Espoo, Finland
Abstract:We used a quantum Monte Carlo method to study a magnetic adatom in graphene with single vacancy. We found that the localized states induced by vacancy can be polarized by this magnetic impurity. Because such spin polarization for the localized states is anti-parallel to the impurity states under the Fermi surface, the state with hole-particle symmetry is not the most optimized condition for impurity's moment. However, we found that by tuning the chemical potential away from the Dirac point to break the hole-particle symmetry, we could optimize the magnetic moment, and in the meantime the mixed-valence regime for impurity expands while the local-moment regime shrinks. This character lets graphene with magnetic impurities and vacancies have potential application for spintronics.
Location: 606 conference room
Date and time: August 11th, 2011    10:00 A.M11:00A.M

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