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Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effect in the NV- Center in Diamond

Prof. Peihong Zhang
State Univ. of New York at Buffalo

 Abstract:The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centers in diamond, with their unique spin and optical properties, have emerged as a promising solid system for studying spin related phenomena. The local spin states of the NV- center can be accessed and manipulated optically at a single-site level, making it suitable for quantum information applications. Despite much research efforts, our understanding of the excited state structure of this system is still limited. Using a combination of first-principles calculations and vibronic interaction model analysis, we establish the presence of a dynamic Jahn-Teller (JT) effect in the E excited state with a barrier to tunneling splitting ratio of 0.29. The E excited state of the NV- center plays a central role in the optical initialization and readout of the spin states and in the use of the NV- center as a single photon source. Detailed knowledge of the excited state properties is of critical importance to exploit the full potential of the NV- center.
Location: 608 conference room 
Date and time: June 27th, 2011    11:00 A.M.

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