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Coupled atomistic-continuum model for thermo-mechanical behaviors of materials and related multi-scale algorithms

Dr. Meizhen Xiang
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences

AbstractIt is well accepted that properties of materials are determined by atomistic structuresand micro structures at various scales. Constructing multi-scale analysis methodcrossing wide range scales is one of the main objectives and a grand challenge in materialsciences. Behaviors of materials and their structures on scales larger than micrometerscan be described by traditional continuum models, while on nano-scales, the behaviorscan be described by atomistic models. To study the behaviors of materials at micro-nanoscales, continuum models and atomistic models must be combined. Many behaviorsof materials and structures are consequences of combined actions of thermal field andforce field, which complicates multi-scale analysis of materials and structures. In this talk, we will discuss a coupledatomistic-continuum model for thermo-mechanical problems at micro-nano scales andrelated multi-scale algorithms. 

Location: 606 conference room
Date and time: June 20th, 2011  10:30A.M.-11:30A.M.

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