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Coherent control of population transfer and multi-field intensities via quantum coherence
  Xihua Yang(杨希华)
Department of Physics
Shanghai University
Abstract: We propose a way to significantly enhance selectivity and efficiency of coherent population transfer via temporal constructive and destructive quantum interference between the sequential transitions in a L-type four-level system with a closely-spaced doublet in the final state by using a train of counterintuitively-ordered pump-Stokes pulse pairs. In the case of control of multi-field intensities via atomic coherence, we report the experimental observation of simultaneous control of two four-wave mixing fields via atomic spin coherence in a triple-L type 85Rb atomic system by changing the atomic density, intensity or detuning of the coupling field. These controlling processes may find applications in coherent control of nonlinear optical processes and quantum information processing.
Location: 606 Conference Room
Date and time: September 29th, 2011   11:00-12:00


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