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Bridging the Steady States with the Renormalization Group Analysis



Dr. LAN, Yueheng (兰岳恒)

Assistant Professor

Department of Physics, Tsinghua University




Abstract: A new analytical approach is designed for computing heteroclinic orbits between steady states based on the renormalization group analysis of differential equations. The technique is successfully applied to several physical systems and good analytic approximations or even exact solutions are obtained.

Research Interests:

Ø Signal transduction, graph theoretic analysis and evolution analysis of cell reaction networks, cell migration, systems biology.

Ø Pattern formation, coherent structures and spatiotemporal chaos in fluids and complex systems.

Ø Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, stochastic processes, field theory, nonlinear and complex dynamics, semiclassical calculations.

Ø Exact solutions, renormalization group approach to nonlinear differential equations and complex systems.

Ø Algorithms, computer simulations and computational biology and physics.

 Date&Time: February 21, 2012(Tuesday)   10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Location: 606 Conference Room

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