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Numerical Simulations of Free Surface Flows Based On CLSVOF Method, Multi-Moment Methods and Density-Scaled CSF Model


 Dr. Kensuke Yokoi 

  School of Engineering at Cardiff University


December 22, 2014 (Monday), 15:00~16:00,  CSRC 606 Conference Room
Numerical Simulations of Free Surface Flows Based On CLSVOF Method, Multi-Moment Methods and Density-Scaled CSF Model
Abstract: In this presentation, we propose a practical numerical framework for free surface flows. The numerical framework consists of the CLSVOF (coupled level set and volume of-fluid) method, the THINC/WLIC (tangent of hyperbola for interface capturing/weighted line interface calculation) scheme, multi-moment methods (CIP-CSL and VSIAM3) and the density-scaled CSF (continuum surface force) model. The framework is validated through several benchmark problems and comparisons with an experiment of droplet splashing. The numerical results have shown that the numerical framework is highly reliable and can well capture free surface flows with complex interface geometries like droplet splashing.

December 23, 2014 (Tuesday), 15:00~16:00 , CSRC 606 Conference Room
Density-Scaled Balanced Continuum Surface Force Models with a Level Set Based Curvature Interpolation Technique
Abstract: In this presentation, we propose a level set based algorithm of the density-scaled balanced CSF (continuum surface force) model and show that the proposed CSF model can reduce spurious currents (an error due to surface force calculation) more than the standard balanced CSF model without using the density-scaling. The numerical results also show that the proposed CSF model, especially the level set based curvature interpolation technique, play a key role in numerical simulations of free surface flows with complex interface geometries (i.e. droplet splashing).


About the Speaker: Dr. Kensuke Yokoi joined the School of Engineering at Cardiff University in 2010 after postdoctoral studies mainly at RIKEN, UCLA, University of Cambridge and UCSB. He received his Ph.D in Mathematics at Hokkaido University. Dr. Yokoi works in a number of scientific computing areas, mainly computational fluid dynamics and particle dynamics.


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