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Global in Time Numerical Stability for Nonlinear PDEs


 A/Prof. Cheng Wang

Department of Mathematics

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Email: cwang1@umassd.edu


Abstract: Uniform in time numerical stability for certain nonlinear PDEs, such as incompressible fluid flow and a few bi-stable gradient flow models, are presented in this talk. For 2-D incompressible Navier-Stokes equation, a global bound in L^2 and H^m norms for the numerical solution is obtained. For the bi-stable gradient flows, such as the epitaxial thin film growth with slope selection, the convexity splitting nature of the numerical scheme assures its non-increasing energy. Some long time numerical simulations will also be presented.
About the Speaker: Cheng Wang received his B.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China and his Ph.D degree from Temple University. After graduation, he worked as postdoctoral fellow at Indiana University. He is now an Associate Professor of University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. His research areas are Applied Mathematics, including numerical analysis, partial differential equations, fluid mechanics, computational electro-magnetics, and material science.
Date&Time: December 29, 2014 (Monday), 14:00 - 15:00
Location: 606 Conference Room

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