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Majorana fermions in semiconductor nanowire

Speaker: Dr. Zhen-Hua Wang, Beijing Computational Science Research Center

Abstract: A setup with a quantum dot coupled to the end of a realistic topological superconducting nanowire is the basic building block for Karsten Flensberg’s suggested “charge braiding” and is also the first step towards understanding non-Abelian operations on Majorana fermions via single-charge control under realistic circumstances. In this report, the appearance of Majorana fermions in realistic semiconductor nanowire is verified. Using a quantum dot, the topological qubits can be read out and initialized. There are also many useful things one could do with controlled transfer of single charges between a QD and a MBS. It’s believed that this is the crucial next step of Majorana experiments.

  Date&Time: December 12, 2014 (Friday), 14:30–15:30
Location: 606 Conference Room

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