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Bandgap engineering in graphene related materials: Functionalization, External electric field and In-plane strain

Speaker: Dr. Teng-Fei Cao, Beijing Computational Science Research Center

Abstract: Electronic structure modulation in the graphene related materials is essentially important to extend their potential applications. Hydrogenation, electric field and in-plane strain are the usually used ways to achieve such goal. Although each effect of them has been extensively studied, their combined impacts on these two dimensional material haven not been fully understood. In this report, we will firstly talk about the stable existing states of hydrogen clusters on graphene, and then the combined effects of hydrogenation, electric field and in-plane strain on the electronic structures of graphene and the related materials (hexagonal boron nitride and black phosphorous) will be fully discussed.     

Date&Time: February 6, 2015 (Friday), 14:30–15:30
Location: 606 Conference Room


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