The Twelfth International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES, was successfully held in Beijing Computational Science Research Center, during the week of July 20-24, 2015. ICMMES is an annual conference, of which the objective is to establish a platform for the scientists working in the areas related to mesoscopic methods and their applications to exchange research information, and bring students and junior researchers up to date about the advances in the field.
CSRC provides the most substantial support to The Twelfth ICMMES, including meeting venue, secretarial force, student volunteers, food services, and financial support. The National Science Foundation in the US provides a funding to support to US participation to ICMMES-2015. ICMMES-2015 also received support from State Key Laboratory of Turbulence and Complex Systems at Peking University, College of Mathematical Sciences at Beijing Aeronautics and Astronautics University, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics. In addition, ICMMES-2015 has received supports from private companies, including Sugon, Dell, Inspur, NVIDIA, and Springer. It should be mentioned that Sagon has agreed to provide the support to establish an award on scientific computing for young scientists for the next five years. (The details of this award will be worked later and announced to the public when ready.)
ICMMES-2015 had nearly 200 attendees from eleven countries and regions in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australasia. As a tradition of ICMMES-2015, the first day of the Conference is devoted to short courses which are aimed to help students and researchers new in the field. This year ICMMES-2015 had five short courses delivered by experts in the field from USA, Germany, and UK. ICMMS-2015 accepted 126 abstracts, including 7 invited talks, 99 regular talks, and 20 posters presentations. At the end of the Conference, the Local Organizing Committee and an ad hoc selected Mr. Zhe JI of Northwestern Polytechnical University to be the recipient of The NVIDIA Award 2015. The Conference adjourned with the official announcement of ICMMES-2016 to be held in Hamburg, Germany.